About Malcolm Lawson

Malcolm Lawson is a real estate agent with REAL Broker and content creator. Malcolm has been creating YouTube videos and articles for 12+ years. In addition to the Next-Gen Agent brand, Malcolm also established SurvivalKnowHow.com and its accompanying YouTube channel which has over 190,000 subscribers, and LivingInMaryland.com and VibeHouse.com which uses content creation to help consumers find the best city for their needs.. Malcolm is also the co-founder of the Real Estate YouTube Mastermind Group which has over 20,000+ members.

Let’s Connect:





My Story Of How I Got Here


Military Career

My story really begins when I Was 20 years old and decided to join the Air Force. My career took me all over the world include 2 years living in Misawa Japan, 5 years at Andrews Air Force Base and 4 years working at the white house as part of the White House Communication Agency.

During this time I also started my first YouTube channel for fun! It’s called Survival Know How and around 200,000 subcribers today and really where I learned about video editing and YouTube.

White House

While working at the White House I got to travel all over the world and had the privlage of meeting & working for 3 US Presidents. President Obama, President Biden (then VP) & President Trump. In total I spent 11 years in the Air Force and the biggest thing I got from my time in it was just confidence in myself!

My Son Aiden

In 2015, while working at the White House, my son Aiden was born and forever changed the path my life was on! We did not know it at the time, but Aiden was born with a genetic disorder known as Fragile X which causes severe intelectual disabilities and autism. He was a very stressfull baby and with me traveling so much this obveously put alot of stress on my family.

So in 2017 I decided to leave the Air Force and find a career field that paid better and which had more flexable hours so I can help take care of my son. My mom is a real estate agent also, and so with 0 experience with sales, running a buisness or marketing, I left the miliatry to become a full time real estate agent.

Real Estate Career

I joined my mom at Keller Williams Realty. Comming from the military, I really respected Gary Keller’s leadership and read all of his books!

I fully drank the Keller Williams cool aide and did every painfull thing they told me to do! Made cold calls, knocked on doors and handed out my buisness cards to complete strangers in shopping centers…all of these things killed me inside every time I did them.

That first year in the buisness was obveously rough but I worked my but off 7 days a week from sunrise to sunset and somehow survived my first year.

With my background as a YouTuber I knew there had to be a way to leverage video to generate buisness. And even though there where practically 0 real estate agents making YouTube videos in 2017, I started experimenting with them myself and pretty soon actually generating leads from them!

By 2020 my YouTube channel was concistantly generating me deals and I closed 30 transactions that year which I was pretty proud of for being my third year in the industry.

In 2021 my path forever changed again. As Mike Tyson says “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face”.

In February 2021 my wife of 11 yeras divorced me with split custody of my son. The divorce rate is higher for couples with kids with disabilities because of the added stress. So in 2021 found myself a single parent of a child with disabilities trying to run a real estate business which is no easy task. I was under a lot of stress at this time. The stress of having my entire life savings more than cut in half, the stress of losing my wife who I’ve known since I was 15, and the stress of being a single parent.

I gave it my all but in the end, I realized either had to either reduce the number of transactions I did or sacrifice the amount of time I spent with my son. My son is my big “why” in life I knew giving up any time with him was non-negotiable for me.

REAL Broker

Around this time, I had three really good friends join a new brokerage called REAL Broker. After some talking with them, I found myself on a video call with Time Macy, Brad McCallum and the CEO and co-founder of the company, Tamir Poleg.

I could tell instantly that Tamir was one of the kindess people I’ve ever met, he had a bold vision for where he wanted to take REAL and he seemed like he had the skills to carrie it out.

REAL also offered something that my previouse brokerage did not and that was an additional stream of income in the form of revenue share for helping the company grow. With my new life circumstances, REAL offered me an opportunity to still earn a living while doing less transactions and spending more time with my son.

My Life Today

Fast forward almost 3 years since I made the decision to join REAL and I have carved out a pretty comfortable life for my son and I. I make around $100,000 a year passive income from revenue share for helping grow the company and this has allowed me to reduce the number of homes I sell.

Joining REAL did not just change my buisness, it changed my life and allows me to spend more time with my son.

They say “the worst thing that ever happen to you often turn out to be the best” and I think about this alot. Because of my son, I left the military and took a chance at being self employed and realised that I LOVE being self employed and am never going to have a boss again in my life! In 2021 my son again challenged me and I joined REAL because of it and it was one of the best decisions I ever made for the two of us!